How long have they been available?
Do they meet building codes?
Do I need a building permit?
How do I get stamped drawings?
What type of wood is used?
Is the wood kiln dried?
Is there sealer between the logs?
Do the logs shrink?
Does shrinkage affect cabinets?
Can anyone assemble them?
How do I attach the building to the foundation?
What’s the R-value of the logs?
How are the walls insulated to meet codes?
What’s the best insulation to use?
What’s the R-Value of insulated walls?
Is the wood treated?
What’s included in a standard kit?
Do I need a vapor barrier/house wrap?
How is the roof insulated?
How is the electrical wiring installed?
How long does it take to assemble?
Can I make design changes?
What’s the cost to change designs?
Can I get custom built models?
Why are there no closets shown?
What’s NOT included with cabin or home kits?
Can I have patio or french doors?
What’s the cost to complete a cabin or home?
Can I have an attached garage?
Can I install skylights?
What if there are missing parts?
Can I use my own windows?
Can I add windows or doors later?
Can the buildings be moved?
Can they be dismantled?
Can I attach to an existing building?
How long does it take to order a building?
How do I make payment?
Are taxes charged?
What’s the warranty?